3 Radical New Tech Stocks Poised to Skyrocket

Three stocks trading for cents on the dollar are poised to explode after an upcoming Federal Reserve announcement on April 27th. 

To sum it up, Wall Street and hedge funds will be getting billions from the Fed and putting the money into the stock market.

And guess where all those billionaire investors and hedge funds are putting their cash? The tech sector. 

This unprecedented scenario is creating a “boom” setup for three small companies with critical technologies.

They're all setting new standards for the digital world, creating life-changing advances that will directly impact every single American:

    • Stock #1: An IoT (internet of things) company with massive revenue, trading well under $10 that's at the forefront of the new digital revolution.
    • Stock #2: A specialized semiconductor company that major tech companies will depend on for years to come. It's up 62% in just the last 2 months… but expected to explode much higher.
    • Stock #3: A small company trading for under $15 that the major automotive companies will rely on to produce “smart car” systems and other technological advancements for their vehicles.

Folks who get in on these stocks now, before the announcement on April 27th, will have the chance to be a part of the single largest legal creation of wealth of the last 20+ years…

A newly released investigation by renowned analyst Chris Rowe explains this unique situation, and why these three stocks are poised to blast off in the coming weeks.

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