Forget Dividend Stocks – Do THIS Instead

Dear Reader,

If you're thinking of investing in dividend stocks (or already have)

Watch this first.

You may have heard about how dividend stocks are in high demand during a bear market because of their income potential…

And the fact that they're usually quality businesses that hold up better in uncertain times.

I'm not disputing any of that…

But here's the biggest problem with dividend stocks no one talks about…

You often have to spend a ton of money upfront to be able to enjoy the dividends – which are typically months away at the earliest…

Not to mention the fact that many “safe” dividend stocks lost money last year just like other stocks.

That's why I believe THIS “instant income” method is a much better alternative in today's market.

  • You can get income payouts almost instantly – instead of waiting months…
  • You don't have to spend any money upfront…
  • And you don't even have to own a single stock!

The best part?

It pays out almost 95% of the time – even in bear markets.

So before you put even a single penny towards dividend stocks…

Make sure you watch my short demo of this “instant income” method first.

Keith Kaplan
CEO, TradeSmith

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