One 5G Network to Rule Them All

For years, we’ve been talking about the advent of the next generation of wireless connectivity.

The first generation brought us cellphones that communicated over analog networks. The second generation gave us the ability to send text messages over airwaves. In the next generation, wireless technology gave us GPS and streaming. And the fourth generation expanded on that technology to give us more bandwidth for our data to travel over.

And now, we’re watching as the world rolls out the fifth generation of wireless connectivity, also known as 5G.

I’ve written about how and why 5G will be so influential in our daily lives in the future.

I’ve explained how it will give us connected cities that are able to help those with disabilities better navigate their streets. And I’ve shown how smart homes will take care of all our creature comforts, like adjusting lighting and environmental controls (think heat and AC) and even pouring us a glass of whatever if it notices we’re feeling a little stressed.

But there’s so much more. Telemedicine, for example, is still in its infancy. But with the advent of a nationwide 5G network, even those in the most remote parts of the country will be able to access a doctor the moment they need one. No more driving hours to get to a specialist to have your blood pressure checked.

And the growth analysts are predicting is nothing short of explosive…

According to data gathered by Raconteur, 5G connections currently make up about 17% of the North American mobile network. But by 2025, just a few years from now, that number is expected to grow to 48% of all mobile connections.

[Breakthrough: Learn About This Lesser-Known Firm That’s Set to Win the Race to Deploy 5G]

And according to that same data, by 2025, North America and the Asia-Pacific region will each be home to nearly half of all 5G connections on the planet.

397 operators in 129 countries have invested billions of dollars in 5G technology as of this past August. And that number promises to grow, too.

But the one thing every 5G network in the world will rely on is a solid infrastructure on which to build the network.

And when it comes to that infrastructure, there’s one company in the U.S. that owns more of it than anyone else. In fact, the infrastructure it has built and continues to expand is so powerful that every major wireless carrier in the U.S. has already signed deals to “rent” space on it.

But before I tell you more about this amazing company, let me explain its infrastructure network and why it’s so important for 5G access to even exist, let alone grow.

Wireless Gets Physical

While all the talk about 5G seems to be centered on the incredible speed of the wireless network, the infrastructure that’s needed to run it is 100% physical and isn’t getting any love at all despite the fact that without it, 5G simply cannot exist.

You see, in order for this new wireless network to work, it’s got to be able to get all that data flowing across it into storage units. Those storage units are known as servers in the tech world. And those servers live in server farms like the one below:

Those server farms are connected to the internet via high-speed cables called fiber optics. It’s the ONLY connection that can transmit data fast enough and far enough.

And it’s those fiber-optic connections that really allow 5G wireless to work.

You see, the amount of data generated by all those smart homes, connected cities, and other internet-of-things devices has to be stored somewhere.

And in order for it to be useful, it has to be easy to access and you have to be able to get to it faster than the speed of sound. 5G can send data that fast over the airwaves, but ONLY fiber optic cables can send it that fast into servers.

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You’re probably starting to understand why these fiber optic cables are so important to the success of 5G wireless. Without them, the data just floats over the airwaves or gets caught in a bottleneck as it’s passed through slow connections into and out of the servers where it lives.

Without a nationwide network of fiber optic cables, there is no 5G wireless.

So, while other companies were fighting to control the 5G technology, like chips and routers and antennas, one saw the need for a nationwide fiber network to run all that tech on. And it’s spent the last five-plus years building the biggest fiber network in the country.

And now that the race to deploy 5G is really on, it’s got every major carrier and every other company that wants to be involved with 5G in a very tight spot.

They NEED a strong fiber network to run their 5G network on top of. And this company owns more fiber than all of its top competitors COMBINED.

That’s a great situation to be in as a small company. Heavyweights like Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T (heck, even the U.S. government) are depending on your network to drive their businesses.

And when you’ve got that kind of clout, you can pretty much charge whatever you want for access to your infrastructure.

And that brings me back to the investment opportunity of a lifetime…

[Learn More: Huge Corporations Have to Pay This Company a Toll to Use the 5G Network]

One Ring Network to Rule Them All

This company already has contracts in place with all the major wireless carriers, the U.S. government, countless cable and internet service providers, and even school systems across the country.

And in those contracts, it’s negotiated a sort of rental payment that keeps its customers on the network. I like to think of it as those companies paying a toll to get on the information super-highway.

Every time they want to get somewhere fast, they pay this company a little toll. And all those little tolls add up very fast.

In 2019, the company collected around $1 BILLION in these “tolls.” This year, that number is going to be even bigger. I’m projecting “toll” payments to add up to over $1,156,000,000. And that will just keep growing as the 5G network continues to expand nationwide.

But the thing that nobody has noticed is the immense power this small company holds over some of the biggest operations on the planet. And that’s kept its share price down under $10.

But the secret is getting out. Just six months ago, shares were trading under $5. Today, they’re breaking over $10. That’s a 100% gain already. But that’s just the beginning.

Because I’m predicting that after all is said and done, this company’s shares could be trading as high as $68 apiece. From today’s price, that’s a 580% gain!

And the best part is that you don’t have to wait for the stock to soar to start collecting your profits.

You see, this company also has a deal with the IRS. It can lower its corporate taxes if it pays out a high percentage of its 5G “tolls” to shareholders.

[Breakthrough: Learn About This Lesser-Known Firm That’s Set to Win the Race to Deploy 5G]

And that profit share adds up fast, too, just like the little “tolls” the company collects for accessing its fiber.

Over the past five years, they’ve added up to over $1.3 BILLION. Average that out and you’re looking at a share of $333.2 million every single year. And that’s not even counting the profits that have been shared in 2020.

Your New Life Starts TODAY

I think by now you can see the immense potential for massive profits from this company.

Not only are you buying a stock that’s selling for less than a fifth of its future value, but you get to collect steady income payments as you watch your shares climb up the charts. It’s a win-win.

But as I said, word is starting to get out about this company acting as a “5G tollbooth.” And early investors have already seen their shares run-up over 100% since just this April.

And every day, more investors are getting on board. I was recently looking into the activity and saw that some of the biggest funds in the entire world are staking a claim to this profit stream.

I’m talking about the entire California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), the largest fund of its type in the world. And I’m talking about endowment funds run by the Rockefeller family among many others.

And yet, shares are still cheap enough for anyone with just a handful of cash to get a piece of this action, too.

But that’s not going to last. Shares already shot up dramatically this year. And they're going to keep heading higher for some time. And as more retail investors see where the “smart money” is headed, they’re going to flood the trade and drive the price even higher.

So, if you want to claim your shot at life-changing profits and claim your stake of the massive income payments investors are already collecting, you need to act fast.

My partner and I prepared a presentation outlining the opportunity and the company that’s going to make a new generation of tech multimillionaires. It’s got all the information you need to start collecting a share of the profits right now.

Just click this link, give us a few minutes of your time, and you’ll be off to the races.

Opportunities like this don’t come around often and they don’t last long. With every day that passes, more investors find out about this little-known company that’s controlling the U.S. 5G network.

And with every new shareholder, the price creeps up a little more, cutting into your potential profits.

So when I say time is of the essence, I really mean it. If you wait too long to act, this opportunity will pass you by and you’ll be stuck hearing me and the people who listened brag about our early retirement and our astronomical gains.

That’s why I’m imploring you to take a few minutes of your day TODAY to view our presentation and get yourself set up to collect life-changing profits from the “5G Tollbooth.”

To your wealth,

Jason Williams

Read more from Jason Williams at

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