Where to Invest During the Post-COVID Recovery

If you’re anything like many Americans, you’re probably breathing a sigh of relief that 2020 is almost over.

After the year the country’s had, it’s not surprising that many people just want it to be over and done with.

But just like the changing of the year won’t automatically result in weight loss, quitting of smoking, or the learning of a new skill, it won’t lead to things instantly getting better.

It will be a gradual process as we press ahead into the new year.

Still, it helps to know just what we have to look forward to and what you as an investor can do to make sure your 2021 is a good one, no matter what.

2021: The Year of Change

Yes, the virus will be behind us at some point. But vaccinating 300 million-plus people could take up to the summer at least. Yes, the most contentious presidential administration in the country’s history will be gone soon. But political gridlock looks to be here to stay thanks to a divided Congress.

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Yes, the year of fear will be over. But 2021 will largely be about recovery. Remember, tens of thousands of people are still out of work from jobs that will likely not be coming back.

As society and the economy both recover from the beating 2020 handed out, some areas are set to thrive over others.

So what should you do? Where should your money go over the course of 2021?

Technology will be one of the big sectors. Platforms like Zoom have been crucial to workplaces and schools adapting as best they could during the pandemic. Likewise, they’ve done the job of keeping people connected socially when staying apart physically was necessary.

Along similar lines, video game companies and streaming services saw a boom as people have stayed home and needed things to do to pass the time.

You should also see rises in robotics and automation, as well as e-commerce. The past year has shown technology can do a lot to keep society moving as the norm gets upended. There’s no reason to think that’s going to change over the next 12 months.

Health care is another big sector set to benefit in 2021. The sector was essential in fighting COVID-19, and the lessons learned from the pandemic will be applied for decades to come. Governments will invest heavily in the industry, making it so that many companies providing different services will thrive.

The investment in health care is going to take on a number of different forms, from increased accessibility to changes in the ways medicines are tested and eventually sent to market. Because the industry is so massive, it’s hard to say just what the transformation will look like, but it’s guaranteed that there will be one.

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And those two sectors, technology and health care, will cross paths in the post-COVID world in a number of ways. One, in particular, is an under-the-radar play that could become part of everyday life.

The Hidden Technology and Beyond

There’s an invisible technology that’s been in use in public places for a while now. It’s been used to find hidden weapons and identify known criminals. It’s also been used to ID people who have been banned from stadiums, concert venues, and other places where crowds of people gather. Airports have even used it to ensure passengers are who their documents say they are.

That same technology is being reconfigured to help fight pandemics. It’s a technology that hides in digital signs and advertising. It scans the people it sees without them knowing it. Instead of looking for weapons, it can be reworked to look for signs that someone might be sick with an infectious disease. When it finds someone, it can alert the authorities so that the issue can be addressed quickly.

It can play a key role in stopping the spread of an infectious disease before it ever starts.

The details of what this technology is and how it works are in Jason Simpkins’ newest report.

There, you'll learn all about how this technology will fit into the post-COVID world and what you can do to get in on the tiny company behind it.

Here at Outsider Club, we’re always looking for little-known opportunities that could lead to massive profits. It has been our mission since the beginning and will continue to be next year and beyond.

Outside of health care and technology, our pages contain opportunities in other areas set to thrive, like energy, marijuana, and communications. As we move into a strange new world, know that you can always rely on us to bring you the best opportunities to make the most of it.

Keep your eyes open,

Ryan Stancil
Contributing Editor, Outsider Club

Read more from Ryan Stancil at OutsiderClub.com

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